The following table is a list of telescopes related to the timing data analyzed at ILOC. The list is arranged in alphabetical order with respect to station codes.


STN CODE : Station code.
TEL CODE : Code for the telscope when it is placed at the described position. Note that the different station codes and telescope codes are assigned to the same telescope if they are placed at different positions. For each of the grazing observations, a 4-digit figure is given,first two digits showing the year of observation.
Longitude : Longitude of the station.(Reported)
Latitude : Latitude of the station.(Reported)
Height : Height above sea level of the station in meters.
Closest Town or Landmark to Site : City etc. and country where the telescope locates.
Aper. : Aperture of the telescope in centimeters.
F.L. : Focal length of the telescope in centimeters.
T : Type of the telescope.
R : Refractor,
N : Newtonian reflector,
C : Cassegrain reflector including Schmidt and Maksutov types,
L : Reflector (detail unknown),
B : Binoculars,
O : Others,
* : Unknown.
M : Mounting.
E : Equatorial,
A : Alt-azimuthal,
* : Unknown.
D : ClockDriven,
M : Manual,
* : UnKnown.