JHOD TOP > Realtime tidal data > Noto

Realtime tidal data at Noto

About gauge and tidal data

Latitude: 37°30′N
Longitude: 137°09′E
Datum level: 20cm below mean sea level
Obs. : tide observation by every 5 minutes
Pred.: tide prediction by every 5 minutes
Obs.-Pred. : difference between observation and prediction

Tidal curve【 2024/07/27 】

No observation data.

Hourly prediction

month day 01234 56789 1011121314 1516171819 20212223
0727 212021252933353635333027252424262933353736343229

Observation data

Record of TidalHeight(cm)
Location          Noto 
Longitude         137-09 
Latitude          37-30 
TimeZone          -09 00(JST)
TidalHeightDatum  20cm below mean sea level.
a note: 
Broken or No transmit data ---> "9999"
year  date  time   cm

No observation data.