Format of the xyz data
The positions are written in ECEF coordinates (X, Y, Z).
Line 1 |
data version (updated date) |
Line 2 |
site name; reference coordinate system |
Line 3 |
description of each column |
Line 4- |
observation start date; absolute positions [XYZ coordinates (m)]; equipment code (A:-2002/07, B:-2008/04, C:2008/04-); vessel code (K:Kaiyo, M:Meiyo, S:Shoyo, T:Takuyo); observation end date |
Format of the ENU data
The local cartesian coordinates (defined so that east, north, up are positive) tangent to the origin are written.
Line 1 |
data version (updated date) |
Line 2 |
site name; reference coordinate system |
Line 3 |
origin of the local cartesian coordinate system (latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height) |
Line 4 |
position of reference epoch with (E, N, U = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) from origin point described in Line 3 |
Line 5- |
observation start date; absolute positions [ENU coordinates (m)]; equipment code; vessel code; observation end date |
Format of coseismic movements due to the Tohoku Earthquake
Movements in xyz-data & enu-data are calculated based on the formats above.
Lines 1-3 |
headers |
Line 4 |
sites; observation date before Mar. 11, 2011; vessel code; observation date after Mar. 11, 2011; vessel code; movements [m] |